A Guided Walk round St James’s, 10 July 2019
Posted by: Cathy Kim | Posted on: June 26th, 2019
A Meander round St James’s
Wednesday 10 July 2019, 6.00pm
Meeting point: Green Park station by the fountain on the Green Park side.
Tour – Start 6.00pm Finish: approx. 7.30pm
Our own Blue Badge Guide, Sue King, will be taking us on a guided tour of St James’s, followed by an optional Korean meal.
St James’s, south of Piccadilly is where Henry VIII’s and Anne Boleyn’s walled palace was built in 1532 on the site of a leper hospital. The palace was where Charles I took communion before his execution. We shall visit Pall Mall and St James’s Square and see all the landmarks such as the RAC Club, Reform Club, Carlton House and the Haymarket with its theatres.
If you would like to join us for a meal (at your own cost) at a Korean restaurant after the walk, please indicate when you sign up.
Open to BKS Members and their Guests. Cost: £5
Please reserve your place giving name, telephone number, names of any guests and how many for dinner after the walk to events@britishkoreansociety.org.uk or sign up using our online booking form.
Pay by bank transfer to:
Lloyds Bank, Account Name: British Korean Society
Account No: 32827868 Sort Code: 30-98-97 Reference: Full Name
Or pay by credit / debit card using PayPal:
(You will be taken to the PayPal secure site for payment details.)
Don’t want to do the walk but would enjoy a Korean meal with fellow BKS members?
Join us at Yori Korean Restaurant
6 Panton Street London SW1Y 4DL (off Haymarket)
at 7:45pm, 10 July 2019
There is no charge, the meal would be at your own cost.
Please email events@britishkoreansociety.org.uk indicating you would like to join us for the meal only.
[…] A meander round St James’s with the BKS, 10 July […]