Grants Programme

The British Korean Society has funds available from time to time for small grants to organisations or individuals for activities or projects in keeping with our members’ and sponsors’ aims of fostering friendship between the UK and Korea.


Closing Date

The closing date for applications for the next round of BKS grants is 1st September 2024.

As we receive many more applications for grants than our limited budget can support, we are unable to consider individual applications outside our normal time frame. Applicants should be aware that decisions on the next round of applications will not be finalised until the end of September 2024.


Who Can Apply?

The Society wishes to encourage applications from those who make positive contributions to British and Korean societies, for specific identifiable purposes where our funding will make a real difference. The projects should lead to lasting contacts, friendships, and activities involving both countries, and where possible, involving young people.


Scope and Format

Applications may cover any subject matter. Grants in aid of exhibitions or performances, publications, travel, sport, charitable activities, commemorations and other such activities will all be considered.
Applicants should include an outline of the project (up to 500 words) stating clearly how they intend to use BKS funding if awarded, and the aims of the project as well as a timetable of the activities they are proposing, and a breakdown of the financial support requested, including for example, any travel or ancillary costs. It should also be made clear whether our funds will be sufficient to achieve the project’s aims, or whether further funding is being sought from elsewhere.


What is the maximum grant amount?

Please note that the maximum amount payable for any single grant application is £1000


Note for Students

The grants programme now incorporates the previously separate bursary awards programme for post graduate students. We continue to welcome applications from such students providing their applications meet the objectives of the overall grant scheme outlined above. Grants will not be awarded simply to meet regular living costs or study fees.


Project Reports

Recipients of grants are asked to complete a short report after completion of their project, showing how the BKS funds contributed to the outcomes, and are occasionally invited to present on their project to the BKS membership. The required report format may be downloaded here.

Application Guidelines and Online Application Form

Recent grant awards and some projects we have supported in the past are featured below.

Posted by: Lauren Barnes  |  Posted on: 14th February 2024

Six Feet Forward exhibition by Jisoo Jit Seo  13th – 22nd October 2023 Organised and curated by Vera Hadzhiyska    The Events and Activities supported    Thanks to the financial support of the British Korean society I was able to successfully complete the activities proposed […]

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Posted by: Lauren Barnes  |  Posted on: 14th February 2024

In April 2022 I was lucky enough to receive a grant from the British Korean Society to help fund my trip to South Korea. As Director of Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum the links we have with the people of South Korea are of huge importance […]

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Posted by: Hannah Giles  |  Posted on: 8th September 2023

    The Liverpool Life Sciences UTC had a BKS grant to support the introduction of Korean Studies to its curriculum, and the Newsletter is one of the first results of this programme.   You can read the UTC’s newsletter here: The UTC Korean Newsletter […]

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Posted by: Hannah Giles  |  Posted on: 1st November 2022

New Earth Theatre received a grant from the British Korean Society to support the world premiere of The Apology, the explosive new play by Korean writer Kyo Choi that brings to the stage the shocking events of military sexual slavery during World War Two.   […]

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Posted by: Hannah Giles  |  Posted on: 22nd September 2022

My project aims to illuminate the story of Korean internment in Soviet labour camps after the end of World War II. During the war, over 200,000 Korean youth were conscripted into or forced to “volunteer” for the Japanese military, and some 150,000 were also employed […]

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Posted by: Hannah Giles  |  Posted on: 15th December 2020

Edinburgh Korean Students Society held their 1st Korea Conference on 29 February 2020.   This was to commemorate Korea’s March 1st Independence Movement in 1919 against the Japanese colonial rule and to raise awareness among international students in Scotland.  Seven speakers were invited and the […]

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Posted by: Cathy Kim  |  Posted on: 6th March 2020

During the October Half Term 2019, Year 12 and 13 students had the fantastic opportunity to visit South Korea. The trip included two destinations, Pohang and Seoul. During their time in Pohang, students were able to visit a long standing partner school, Ocheon High School. […]

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Posted by: Cathy Kim  |  Posted on: 12th March 2019

The Alexander Whitley Dance Company applied for a BKS grant to attend the Performing Arts Market Seoul 7-10 October 2018 at the invitation of the British Council. A report of their visit is available here. “The support from the British Korean Society has helped AWDC […]

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Posted by: Cathy Kim  |  Posted on: 18th February 2019

From April – June 2018, Fabio Antinori participated in the International Artist in Residence Program at the MMCA National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Changdong, Seoul. As part of the program, participating artists were asked to make use of their time to produce […]

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Posted by: Cathy Kim  |  Posted on: 18th February 2019

As a researcher at Cambridge University the generous grant given by the British Korean Society allowed me to travel to Korea to further my work on the traditional ‘pojagi’ Korean textile. Whilst in Korea I was able to visit pojabi masters and observe their work and methods, […]

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