BKS member receives Korean Presidential honour
Written by: Warwick Morris | Posted on: November 8th, 2016
BKS member Alan Guy MBE has been awarded the ‘Civil Merit Medal‘ on behalf of the President of the Republic of Korea to mark his 17 years as the British Korean Veterans Association’s Korea Liaison Officer, his 33 years as a BKVA member and his 84th birthday.
The medal and accompanying certificate were presented by the ROK Embassy’s Captain Ji (Navy) and Lt Col Park (Air Force) at a ceremony during a meeting of the BKVA’s Surrey West branch on 6 November. Some 70 British veterans and their wives were present.
Alan dedicated the medal to all British Korean War veterans , and ‘especially to the 1106 who never returned home.’
Warmest congratulations to Alan on this richly deserved recognition.
Warwick Morris, BKS Chairman