62nd Anniversary of Korean War Armistice
Written by: Warwick Morris | Posted on: August 5th, 2015
A ceremony and service to mark the 62nd Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice was held at the Korean War Memorial in Victoria Embankment, London, on 27 July.
Some 50 British Korean War veterans attended, as smartly turned out as ever, along with local officials, Korean and British supporters of the Memorial, senior members of the ROK Embassy and Britain’s Defence Attache from Seoul. I represented the BKS. Several other BKS members were present including former BKVA President General Swindells, Brian Parritt, Terry Smith and Roger Finch.
Following welcome remarks by HE Ambassador Lim, who publicly acknowledged the BKS’s donation to the Memorial Fund, the Guest of Honour the Rt Hon Earl Howe, Minister of State MOD, spoke of the sacrifices made by British participants in the Korean War and the remarkable developments in the ROK since then. A prayer was led by the Deputy Chaplain-General to Her Majesty’s Land Forces, followed by Musician Daniel Fox sounding the Last Post. The Standard Bearers of the BKVA lowered their standards during the One Minute’s Silence and Reveille.
Ambassador Lim than invited General Swindells, The Dowager Viscountess Rothermere and a Korean representative of the donors to unveil the plaque on the Memorial, before guests mingled first at the Memorial itself and then over an excellent buffet lunch at the nearby Horseguards Hotel. All who took part in this event, the first of its kind at the Memorial, seemed to find it both moving and enjoyable. Special thanks must go to the ROK Embassy and its Defence Section, especially Paul Wadey, for making the excellent arrangements.
Photos courtesy of Roger Finch