Cranford Community College – Visit report

Posted by: Cathy Kim  |  Posted on: February 1st, 2019

Supported by our grants programme, Cranford Community College students made a visit to their partner school in Pohang, and have sent the following report:

The award of a £1000 grant to Cranford Community College for their trip to South Korea in October 2018 meant that the offer could be given to as many students as possible.  The school is an outstanding, inclusive and comprehensive school located in a deprived socio-economic area.  The school aims and achieves, offering to its students the same kind of opportunities that the best schools in the country can offer.  The grant from the British Korean Society helps the school on the road to achieving this aim.

The impact on the students of the trip was very high.  This is evident in their visit reports but also in their understanding of the world, which has been enhanced.  Prior to the visit, all students were buddied up with a South Korean student and then did a home stay of 3 days with them.  This opportunity to give the Cranford students first hand experience of everyday life for Korean students is invaluable.  These relationships continue now via email and other social media and I am optimistic that many will be endure.

The students from Cranford Community College and their partner school in Pohang

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