Chuseok Dinner, 17 September 2018

Written by: Hannah Giles  |  Posted on: October 8th, 2018

The BKS Chuseok dinner was held at Arang, a Korean restaurant in Central London on 17th September.

31 members and guests attended to celebrate Chuseok together. The members and their guests who attended the dinner ranged from young to old, with those who have been members for 30 years to new members who attended the BKS event for the first time.

Koreans say ‘더도 말고 덜도 말고 한가위만 같아라’, which roughly translates to ‘Wish not for less or more, just always be like Chuseok (Hangawi)’. Autumn is a season of plenty in Korea and the Chuseok holiday is the main traditional celebration of autumn, celebrating and giving thanks for the harvest of the year with family.

The BKS celebrated Chuseok in true Korean fashion: plenty of food and plenty of good company and conversation. A fantastic time was had by all.

We were treated to delicious Korean food, assorted Korean savoury pancakes (모둠전), assorted vegetables (모둠나물), fried rice (볶음밥), barbecued Korean beef (불고기), barbecued Korean ribs (갈비), to name just a few and finished the meal with Songpyeon (송편: half-moon shaped rice cake). Songpyeon is a traditional Korean rice cake for Chuseok, and it reminds me of really festive times with family at Chuseok – sitting down and making Sonpyeon together, and sharing lives and catching up with family news. The memories of the smell of Songpyeon steaming with pine needles in the house are vivid.

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